The Case for No Belts

“My belt holds my pants up, but the belt loops hold my belt up. I don't really know what's happening down there. Who is the real hero?”

Mitch Hedberg

Many of our clients (our heroes) opt to not wear a belt. Belts are accessories and ,contrary to what Mitch said, shouldn’t hold your pants up. If worn, they should be an accent to your outfit. But often times they break up your figure and truncate your…trunk.

Side adjusters, or a simple buckle and strap, is a great versatile way to elongate your silhouette. Of course it can also be used to cinch your pants in the case of weight fluctuation. Admittedly, weight fluctuation has been an extremely regular event since 2020 and this apparatus is the easy answer.

See how happy not wearing a belt makes Kirsten?

And for our ladies program, we offer a side zip option. Less flexibility but a very clean look.

For anyone who wishes to wear a belt, we offer both ready made and custom made options. Just know it’ll break you up from top to bottom.
